Directions to Training Venue
All classes are held at Ryslip Kennels, Church Lane Binfield, RG425NL.
Turn into Ryslip Kennels and head down the drive, there is only room for one car to be on the initial drive pass the kennels on the left, so when you turn into off the road and into the kennels, pause on the left hand side to check whether there are any ofther cars coming out of the kennels.
If no cars are exiting, continue down the driveway (quarantine kennels are on your left) keep going down the drive until the boarding kennel, grooming and reception block is in front of you, continue around to the left passing the boarding/reception block on your right, keep going so that the shop is on your right and the cattery is on your left. You will see the training barn in front of you.
Head up towards the training barn, park up all along the left hand side by the Cattery or there is further training to the right or behind the barn. Please do not park directly in front of the barn as the Instructors need to park there to get the equipment out of their cars.
Classes will start promptly, so please ensure that you arrive in plently of time to park and get your dog out to go to the toilet before entering the class. The toiletting area is on the left as you face the barn, to the right of the cattery.
Ryslip Kennels has a Pet Shop which is open 9 - 5.30 Monday to Friday and 9 - 1 on Saturdays.
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